Jacob Mach?!?!1!?/??!/1?!!? Gril?!?/1!?1/1?1!?!?!!? Tho?!/1!?!?!/1!?!1!?!1?
(not my profile pic but whateves try clicking it btw)
Hallo am an scrubb hoo junst leiks too matsrebaute two hentie.
Okay I lied. Ignore what i just said. I'm not a scrub.
Anyways, down-low hobbies aside, my name is (posted above) and I'm a person who you would call a person everybody really values.
That would be the acronym PERV.
So, I'm a 16-year-old Asian male and I very much like art.
When I say art, I mean it as a very general classification.
I love videogaming, animating, drawing, graphic designing, and spilling innocent blood all over the dead corpse of god.
Although I like all of the above, aside from the obvious joke
(I mean, who even likes graphic designing?), I am in no way qualified to be considered an expirenced person or professional in any of these said fields.
Despite this, I do plan on becoming more adept with my skills in these fields, but all I can do is practice and improve for now.
My deviant art is here if you wanna see art I''ll post once a decade.
I Love E-Sports
As you can't see above, I named this section by declaring that I really like my e-sports. Why is this heading so hard to see? Why is there a heading now despite having no such thing before? This is a reference to news outlets, and how whenever e-sports is talked about as a main topic, most of the show hosts fail to see the beauty and validity of e-sports.
I am saying this because I will let everyone know with pride that I love the e-sports community.
Oh what's that? What game do I play for e-sports?
You want know what game I play?
I play one of the best games ever made by Nintendo
I play every game of this series competitivly
I play a game that wasn't even designed to be played in tournaments
I play the legendary Super Smash Bros.
On another note, I also love analyzing games, and I love discussing game design.
I have taken classes such as:
- Computer Coding and Game design (Seattle App Academy)
- Game Coding (AIE Summer Course)
- Animiation and Game Design (AIE Currently)
and I plan to go to DigiPen in the future.
Pong Game Concepts
Pong Game
rob bog
My Latest gaming project